Custom Product Cluster

Enterprise Resource Planning & Manufacturing

Human Resource & Payroll Management

Project & Process Management Solutions

Working collaboratively with delegated responsibilities has never been better. Witness unmatched outputs and robust MIS functionalities through your Vorkflo setup. Initiate Control Room setups, Management Terminals and Function based Reporting for Forecast. What are you waiting for?
Vorkflo is an all powered enterprise tool helping organizations to effectively manage operations through custom workflow mapping & enhancing last mile engagement.
You can categorically differentiate the department schedules in a domain specific manner that promote the organization to function better along with output maximization.
The entire Vorkflo suite is based on the popular KISS (Keep it Short & Simple) principles & as a result of which instead of an entire business adapting & adjusting to a new software, the inverse actually happens where in the software adjusts to the business such that it not only engages the business boost it’s output exponentially.
You can unleash the true power of the cloud to function effectively & work collaboratively from any part of the globe seamlessly.
Here’s presenting to you an all powerful business suite that can be effectively manage an Inter Departmental MIS sans dependencies.
Manage your entry points and map who and what goes in and comes out at any given point of time.
Collaborate better with individual stakeholders and witness the power of real time delivery management.
Optimize Quality Control parameters for both Raw Materials, Intermediates and Finished Goods.
Manage production lifecycle right from planning to execution with log sheets and deviation mapping.
Everything from standard book keeping to complex accounting along with third party integrations.
Manage IT and technology related support through partner empanelment and ticketing tools.
Manage dispatch lifecycle along with planning and complex supply chain solutions to enhance your business.
Engage suppliers, automate negotiations and map validated indices for on-the go purchase tools for product mapping & increased stakeholder engagement.
Map & Maintain internal discrepancies & false credentials at the tip of your fingers. Collaborate to form a consortium & prevent any further breaches.
One of the most critical functions of any enterprise. Utilize robust CRM content channeling & Client support tools to exponentially boost your sales productivity effectively.
Secure your premise through visitor control. Custom facility aggregation & cloud mapping solutions to keep a bird eye view on your operations.
Digitise your training schedules with world class content to ensure that the stakeholders not only learn through completely audit friendly tools but also certify the credibility.
Assess Vendor sources & optimize your supply channel through vendor analytics & custom solutions for core engagement & credibility ratings through the Vorkflo suite.
This decade promises the world a drastic digital makeover. Don’t get left behind in the race. Increase your web presence with custom & economical solutions from the Vorkflo suite.
Engage Collaborate & automate your entire Human resources workflow through robust HR applications that form a part of the Vorkflo suite.
Get in touch with us for a commitment free demo of the seamless interactions and output maximization that Vorkflo can provide for you and your enterprise